My Martial Art adventure all began with the most beautiful and crazy words I have ever heard from our beloved teacher Shihan JJ Burnel 7th Dan.
“Train with us and the boys will treat you like a goddess!” So I joined and they do, in a punchy kicky sort of way and with great care and respect.

Shihan JJ Burnel 7th Dan

Shihan JJ Burnel 7th Dan

I finally felt safe and was welcomed into my new Shidokan family, I was home!

Welcome home mat and Kancho's sandals at his Izu dojo, Japan

Welcome home mat and Kancho’s sandals at his Izu dojo, Japan

Prelude or preamble ramble

So how did I find Shidokan? This has a sad start however, it moves promptly on to enlightenment, female empowerment and being kicked in the legs a lot! This has proven to be a very good treatment for cellulite !

Karate girl power!

Karate girl power!

I needed to restore my self esteem and confidence as unfortunately I had been a victim of a hate crime which had left me fearful. I asked myself the question what was I doing when I was not afraid ? It was lots of drawing in various disciplines of Martial Arts, practicing Aikido and swishing about in Hakama’s (traditional Japanese Samurai trousers) with a bokken (Japanese wooden sword).)

Training in the Martial Art Jodo (the practice of weapon training with a short wooden staff)

Training in the Martial Art Jodo (the practice of weapon training with a short wooden staff)

I thought I must return to Martial Arts, see how it feels to be back in a dojo (training venue) and draw with the idea that this will lead and inspire me. I was researching Martial Art training venues when I saw ‘Shidokan’, I had never heard of this one and clicked on the Shidokan GB website and found the Dojokun -an affirmation recited at the beginning and end of training.

Keep the Samurai spirit,
improve your character, be polite to others,
train your mind and body,
live in a simple way,
love all mankind,
respect providence,
self seek fight is not allowed.

I also read the expanded meaning, it resonated with me, it was my way written down, what I should do now and my future guidance, I was enlightened! I made my enquiries for permission to draw and went to the Shidokan London dojo in May 2014.

Drawings from the Shidokan GB London dojo and the Japanese character 'do' which means 'the way'.

Drawings from the Shidokan GB London dojo and the Japanese character ‘do’ which means ‘the way’.

Over 6 weeks, I created drawings of the Martial Artists training and saw an exceptional standard of teaching, incredible dojo etiquette and was training by July, one week before my birthday.
I clearly remember my first class, I was full of anticipation or rather…fear! There were other Shidokan GB members visiting from other dojos and I was thankful to train with Charlotte, a lovely kind girl. I was astounding myself and so proud to be amongst these fabulous martial artists and so sad not to be. Unfortunately, after the class, I locked myself out of my locker and was stuck downstairs in a sequinned bikini and flip flops, therefore I missed them all at pub after the training…I had a speech planned and everything! I had a lonely walk home wondering if I could really do this, however as they say a black belt (Dan grade Martial Artist) is a white belt that never gave up! I persevered and have been training ever since.

This photo was taken within my first month of training, everyone one else was practicing Karate, I was dancing the robot!

This photo was taken within my first month of training, everyone one else was practicing Karate, I was dancing the robot! (far left)